The universe is wider than our views of it.

- Henry David Thoreau


I wrote my first book when I was 16. At the time, my family was taking a lot of summer vacations using our newly acquired pop-up camper. We’d travel around the Northeast US and stop wherever there was a campsite. That meant a great deal of time spent in the back seat of the car. Looking out the window grew old quickly. So I put on my earphones, hit play, and got to writing.

But my love for travel has continued, and every year my wife and I try to go somewhere. I’ve enriched my life and my understanding of the world every time I’ve gone to another country. This is why I enjoy building my worlds and characters with a diverse set of people and places. It’s a reflection of the real world, and I believe it makes for a more interesting story.

The story I wrote in the car never made it past the spiral-bound notebooks I used to pen it in, but I took the core of that idea and turned it into the ORIGIN STORY series. Just like my first book, this story revolves around five close friends and their relationships. One day, aliens attacked their home world, throwing their lives into a middle of an inter-species war. What they do, and what they find out about who started it, will shake the very foundations of the Empire.

Diversity also has wound its way through my work and life. I’m a professional musician, a photographer—check below for a link to my work—a sales manager, and now a writer might be the proof of that. I’m doing all of these things, and I’ve never been happier. I’d love to add more to that, but there’s only so many hours in the day!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my author website, and to learn more about my books, my stories and I welcome the chance to connect with you.